2017年4月,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)新一代先进植物培养器(Advanced Plant Habitat,APH)搭载联盟号MS-04货运飞船抵达空间站。宇航员使用FluorPen手持仪叶绿素荧光仪在其中开展植物生理学及太空食物种植(growth of fresh food in space)的研究。
F Dang, et al. 2019. Discerning the Sources of Silver Nanoparticle in a Terrestrial Food Chain by Stable Isotope Tracer Technique. Environmental Science & Technology 53(7): 3802-3810
N Moghimi, et al. 2019. New candidate loci and marker genes on chromosome 7 for improved chilling tolerance in sorghum. Journal of Experimental Botany70(12): 3357–3371
M Rafique, et al. 2019. Potential impact of biochar types and microbial inoculants on growth of onion plant in differently textured and phosphorus limited soils. Journal of Environmental Management247: 672-680
P Soudek, et al. 2019. Thorium as an environment stressor for growth of Nicotiana glutinosa plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany164: 84-100
JA Pérez-Romero, et al. 2019. Investigating the physiological mechanisms underlying Salicornia ramosissima response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment under coexistence of prolonged soil flooding and saline excess. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry135: 149-159
D Shao, et al. 2019. Physiological and biochemical responses of the salt-marsh plant Spartina alterniflora to long-term wave exposure. Annals of Botany, DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcz067
C Cirillo, et al. 2019. Biochemical, Physiological and Anatomical Mechanisms of Adaptation of Callistemon citrinus and Viburnum lucidum to NaCl and CaCl2 Salinization. Front. Plant Sci. 10:742
Bckg = background
Fo: = F50µs; fluorescence intensity at 50 µs
Fj: = fluorescence intensity at j-step (at 2 ms)
Fi: = fluorescence intensity at i-step (at 60 ms)
Fm: = maximal fluorescence intensity
Fv: = Fm - Fo (maximal variable fluorescence)
Vj = (Fj - Fo) / (Fm - Fo)
Fm / Fo = Fm / Fo
Fv / Fo = Fv / Fo
Fv / Fm = Fv / Fm
Mo = TRo / RC - ETo / RC
Area = area between fluorescence curve and Fm
Sm = area / Fm - Fo (multiple turn-over)
Ss = the smallest Sm turn-over (single turn-over)
N = Sm . Mo . (I / Vj) turn-over number QA
Phi_Po = (I - Fo) / Fm (or Fv / Fm)
Phi_o = I - Vj
Phi_Eo = (I - Fo / Fm) . Phi_o
Phi_Do = 1 - Phi_Po - (Fo / Fm)
Phi_Pav = Phi_Po - (Sm / tFM); tFM = time to reach Fm (in ms)